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作者:李帅 来源: 发布时间:2022-07-11 点击数:


中英艺术精品展Sino-British Art Exhibition

庆祝“中英建交50周年” 伦敦艺术展

London Exhibition for Celebrating the “50th Anniversary of the Establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the UK”



中国是世界文化大国,历史悠久,文化灿烂,是全世界唯一未曾中断的古老文明。英国也是一个伟大的国家,对人类文明发展做出过巨大贡献。在艺术领域,中国古代有书法巨匠 “二王”、“颜柳”、“颠张醉素”,画坛大师顾恺之、吴道子、王维、荆浩、董其昌;现当代有齐白石、徐悲鸿、吴冠中、启功、靳尚谊、李可染、罗中立……他们的作品是中华大地滋养的艺术奇葩,天赋异禀而独具光芒,生命力恒久而不可复制。

China is a great country with a long history and splendid culture. It is the only uninterrupted civilization in the world. The UK is also a great country which has made significant contributions to the development of human civilization. In ancient times, China has many great masters of calligraphy (such as Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Zhang Xu and Huai Su) and great masters of painting (such as Gu Kaizhi, Wu Daozi, Wang Wei, Jing Hao and Dong Qichang); in contemporary times, China has such great artists as Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Wu Guanzhong, Qi Gong, Jin Shangyi, Li Keran, Luo Zhongli and so on. These gifted artists have created wonderful art works which are unique with eternal vitality.


The UK also has many great art masters: William Hogarth had been praised as the "father of British painting" and a pioneer in the field of European comic strips; John Constable was the greatest British master of landscape painting in the 19th century, and his works "The Hay Wain" and "The Valley Farm" had been said to be the insurmountable heights in the field of west landscape painting; Euan Uglow, with profound artistic thought, had created a style integrated with rationality, preciseness and elegance; David Hockney has created the most recognizable paintings in the last half century, and he has been deemed as one of the most influential masters of painting in the contemporary world as his works made with various media materials and unique angles of view have overturned our conception of the west painting.


Although either Chinese or British art has unique characteristics, they both serve for delight and soul-casting. They will generate gorgeous bright sparks in the sky of art through cooperation and exchanging.


Chinese President Xi Jinping has pointed out that mutual understanding is the prerequisite for the development of the Sino-British relations. It has been proved that the friendly intercourse and art exchange between the artists from the two countries have always been a major force promoting the development of the Sino-British relations. The artists from both the two countries will never change their original intention and will make efforts to benefit the people of the two countries and promote world peace and prosperity.

英国是第一个承认中华人民共和国的西方大国。此亦为新中国为之心动和自豪的            一个历史瞬间。今年是中英建交50周年,为增强中英两国人民的深厚友谊,为推动两国艺术家感情沟通和文化艺术交流借鉴,中欧文化交流中心、英国皇家美术研究院、英国国家图书馆、中国国家书画网决定隆重举办中英艺术精品展暨庆祝“中英建交50周年”伦敦艺术展。

The UK was the first western power to acknowledge the People's Republic of China upon its establishment. This is a great historical moment which China will never forget. On the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the UK, the China-Europe Cultural Exchange Center, the British Royal Academy of Arts and Beijing Yilian Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting Academy decide to make joint efforts to hold the Sino-British Art Exhibition and the London Exhibition for Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Sino-British Diplomatic relations in order to enhance the friendship between the two peoples and promote the mutual understanding as well as cultural & art exchange between the artists from the two countries.

当今防疫形势依然严峻。世界各国人民唯有同舟共济、相濡以沫,才能守护人                    类美好家园。中英艺术精品展在疫情中“顶风”举办,实在难得,于观众是一场东西方艺术交相辉映的饕餮盛宴,于艺坛翘楚是

At present, we still face grim epidemic prevention situation. The peoples of the world have to help each other in order to protect our home. It is really hard to hold this Sino-British Art Exhibition in the COVID-19 epidemic. It will be a great exhibition of excellent eastern and western art for the audience, and be an inspirational meeting for the artists attending this exhibition.


We hope that this exhibition can bring warmth and strength to the people of the two countries.

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